Counselling for Carers


Thoughtfully, prioritising your
well-being so you can provide the energy, care, and love needed in your caregiver role

The demands of caring for the health and well-being of a loved or individual facing illness, disability, or other challenges can negatively impact the carers’ own health and quality of life.

Are you a carer or caregiver who is struggling with

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Feeling Invisible

The relentless demands of caregiving can create a sense of isolation, as your own needs and emotions may take a back seat. This invisibility can lead to feelings of frustration, and loneliness. Acknowledging and addressing these emotions is crucial for
your well-being.

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Neglected Relationships

You may feel isolated, emotionally drained, and strained in your personal connections. Balancing caregiving duties with maintaining healthy relationships is crucial for the well-being of you the caregiver and your loved ones.

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Caregiver Stress or Burnout

Counselling for caregiver stress or burnout offers you a crucial space for self-reflection, validation, and finding some coping tools that fit your individual style.

You deserve recognition and support for the selfless care you provide. Your dedication, compassion, and resilience make a
profound impact.

Remember, your well-being matters too.

Guiding caregivers toward wholeness


Understanding the need
for support:

Recognising the importance of your well-being is crucial, not only for your own sake but also for the individual you care for. Counseling can provide valuable support as you navigate the unique challenges that accompany caregiving.


Connect with Yvette’s
Supportive Counselling:

Yvette provides flexible and accessible counselling options designed to meet your individual needs. Whether you prefer in-person sessions, virtual meetings via Zoom, or phone consultations, Yvette is dedicated to providing personalised support that fits seamlessly into your life. Schedule an appointment today by clicking the button below.


Integrated wellness into your life:  

Through counseling, you’ll embark on a journey to enhance your overall well-being while also strengthening your ability to support others. Together, we’ll create a personalized plan tailored to address your unique challenges. Along the way, you’ll gain valuable insights, acquire coping strategies, and receive the emotional support needed
to thrive.

Caring for the caregiver

Schedule a counselling appointment for compassionate guidance


Other available counselling services

Counselling for general wellness

For those who want help for
their general mental wellbeing.

For art and spiritual retreats

Creative Group: One-Day Workshops that integrate art, mindfulness and spirituality. 

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